Air balloon trips are very popular in Vilnius. Trips are the best during sunrises and sunsets, when wind directions are different on different altitudes. Single hour trip costs ~100 EUR.
Kardinalija is the name of the few Soviet buildings, which are built in Old Town in the place of the former palace of Radvilas, the richest family in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
On this photo taken from air balloon we can see the Palace of Lithuanian Parliament aka Seimas and Lukiškės Prison with Orthodox Church within its borders.
Guest Aerial Photographer: Shashank
Unofficial, but very nice and huge greeting sign on A2 Riga-Vilnius road in Vilnius saying Laipni lūdzam Viļņā, which means Welcome to Vilnius in Latvian.
I should have been started this blog with this entry, when I arrived to Vilnius from Riga. :)
Gedimino pilies bokštas (Gediminas' Castle Tower) is one of the most important sights in Lithuania since 1409.
A breathtaking city panorama can be observed from this topmost point of Vilnius.
Air Balloons flying over you - is a very common thing in Vilnius. Every morning and every evening tens of balloons liftoff from different parts of city.
This picture was taken from Gediminas' Hill Tower, the highest natural spot in Vilnius.
Geležinio Vilko tiltas is a bridge over Neris river, which was built in 1979 and named after Iron wolf, the mythical character from a medieval legend of the founding of Vilnius.
Check also Geležinio Vilko tiltas at night.
Senamiestis in Lithuanian means Old Town. Vilnius historical center is World Heritage site as one of the largest survived medieval towns. Panoramic photo was created with Dermandar.
Memorial devoted to Victory of Soviet Army over Nazi Germany in 1945 is located in Antakalnis Cemetery.
6 concrete statues stand among thousands militiamen tombs of different wars, including Napoleon's soldiers invaded into Russia in 1812.
Trys kryžiai (Three Crosses) is one of the most important sights in Vilnius, comparable to Jesus Christ statue in Rio. Crosses are located up in the Park hill since 17th century.
One of the walls on Literatų gatvė (Literary street) in Old Town is decorated with many little different buttons, pictures and other stuff, which makes is it worth to see.
Kalnų Parkas (Park of Hills) is located between Old Town, Neris river and Uzupis. Sights like Gediminas Tower and Three Crosses (in the centre of photo) are located here.