Dunes on Curonian spit aka Neringa are the most beautiful natural sights in Baltic States.
This is one of the last pictures done during my trip from Riga to Nida between Promenade of Baltic Countries and Nida's Coast
There is an interesting alley in Klaipeda devoted to Baltic Sea with all its coastline countries listed as plaques with names and coastline length in kilometers.
Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Germany, Denmark and Sweden.. The only question I have why Lithuania and Russia are skipped? :)
This picture was made during my trip during my stay in Klaipeda on the way to Curonian spit.
Gedimino pilies bokštas (Gediminas' Castle Tower) is one of the most important sights in Lithuania since 1409.
A breathtaking city panorama can be observed from this topmost point of Vilnius.
Trys kryžiai (Three Crosses) is one of the most important sights in Vilnius, comparable to Jesus Christ statue in Rio. Crosses are located up in the Park hill since 17th century.
One of the walls on Literatų gatvė (Literary street) in Old Town is decorated with many little different buttons, pictures and other stuff, which makes is it worth to see.
Kalnų Parkas (Park of Hills) is located between Old Town, Neris river and Uzupis. Sights like Gediminas Tower and Three Crosses (in the centre of photo) are located here.